Osteopathy is a way of detecting, treating and preventing health problems by moving, stretching and massaging a person's muscles and joints.
Osteopathy is based on the principle that the wellbeing of an individual depends on their bones, muscles, ligaments and connective tissue functioning smoothly together.
Rebecca Popplewell - Principal Therapist
This clinic set up by Rebecca in February 1999 provides a homely and friendly environment for children of all ages from birth to adolescence. All our children's practitioners are familiar with the various therapies on offer and know the benefits of working together to combine the most appropriate therapy for each child. Just a few examples might be;
Cranial Osteopathy for babies with Colic or Glue Ear.
Sports Therapy for teenagers with problems resulting from lugging heavy schoolbags from classroom to classroom or specific sports injury.
Counselling for children or teenagers with anxiety, phobias or trauma.
Acupuncture is particularly useful for creating balance to hormonal issues which may for instance cause a surge in symptoms like migraine.
Massage and hands-on therapy in general can often help with relaxation in anxious children and teenagers.
Allergies and digestive problems might respond well to a combination of Cranial Osteopathy and Nutrition as would Teenage Chronic Fatigue, Post Viral Syndrome and Glandular Fever.
It is usual for any child under the age of 16 to have a chaperone whilst in a hands on clinic environment exceptions to this might be Counselling or EFT sessions where a teenager may be provided with a safe and confidential environment in which to discuss their issues.
The purpose and intention of all Practitioners within this clinic is to bring understanding to the child and/or parent, regarding the nature and cause of their symptoms together with a consensual explanation of their treatment.
Located at Mill Street, South Molton EX36 4AS